With a continuing focus on fine arts and fine crafts, this unique, successful event blends entertainment, food and an inspirational setting. With the century-old mill and river in the background, this park makes a perfect spot for the area’s largest art event of the year.
The Phelps Mill Festival is providing an opportunity for three new and emerging fine artists and three new and emerging fine crafters to apply to our show and receive a free booth space and the use of a 10 x 10 canopy, along with paid insurance for the event. Food artisans do not qualify.
1. You must be an artist that has never sold your products at a juried art festival. This means you have never been part of a art show that requires images of your product and you are scored based on artistic criteria.
2. We will accept applications in fine arts and fine crafts. We want products that are made by you from the beginning to the finished product.
3. You must be at least 18 years old.
4. If accepted, you must have enough artwork to sell for the full weekend.
5. You will be required to get a Minnesota Sales Tax number.
6. The three highest scored artists in fine art and the three highest scored artists in fine crafts will be admitted. If there is a tie, a drawing will be held to determine the artist that will be awarded the free space. Management also reserves the right to limit artists in each category.